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Michael Deyholos
Biology, Biotechnology
Currently on leaveOn Leave Until: September 1, 2025
Office: SCI 316
Email: michael.deyholos@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Genetics and genomics of plants, especially in relation to pectin, cell walls, and fibers.
Courses & Teaching
Biochemistry, bioinformatic.
PhD McGill University
Research Interests & Projects
We apply genetics and genomics to various plant species to investigate the processes listed below. Our research subjects include flax (Linum usitatisssimum), hemp (Cannabis sativa), (grain amaranth (Amaranthusspp.), and about 1,000 other species (onekp.com)
- Secondary cell wall development: Fibres of the stems of flax and hemp are made of remarkably large, strong cells. We are studying how these fibres develop, and how they can be more easily separated from surrounding tissues so they can be used in textiles and renewable composites.
- Abiotic stress tolerance: We are working to understand how crops can be made to be less sensitive to water shortages. We are focussing on the role of the plant cell wall and of a intrinsically disordered proteins in this process.
- Plant-microbe interactions: Various microbes, in various circumstances can have beneficial or pathological effects on plant growth. We are investigating how pathogens such as Fusarium oxysporum and myccorhizal fungi interact with plants, especially in the context of the cell wall and pectin metabolism.
Selected Publications & Presentations